Summer Faves

Hi guys! It's been a hot minute. Honestly, I'm not even going to try to give excuses as to why it's been a while since I posted; I'm just inconsistent. But to hold you over until I actually sit down and write an intellectually satisfying blog post, here's a list of my FAVORITE fashion and …

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5 trends that should die a quick and painful death in my humble opinion

This is probably going to be the most controversial article I have written so far. I am about to take some very popular trends and tell you exactly why I hate them. You might get offended, but hey, I'm told I need to be more opinionated so here goes. Pattern Mixing Even before I knew …

Continue reading 5 trends that should die a quick and painful death in my humble opinion

10 Ways to Do Floral This Summer

If spring is the season of floral everything, summer is the season of floral accents. It's also the season of lightweight basics and only minimal layers. Here's a list of ways to creatively wear floral this season without dying of a heat stroke. Neckties Neckties (also called neck scarves, ascots, etc.) are one of this …

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